December 12, 2022

Safety audits 101: What are they, and why does your workplace need them?

Safety audits 101: What are they, and why does your workplace need them?

Think your workplace is safe?

The International Labour Organization may have some grim news to put things in perspective — it estimates that around 2.3 million worldwide are yearly victims of work-related accidents or diseases. Regardless of the size of your business or the industry in which you operate, your organization may inadvertently be putting employees at risk.

Fortunately, a workplace safety audit can help you identify vulnerable areas in your corporate safety program and take timely measures to fix the gaps revealed. Here’s a closer look at what a safety audit entails and why it is an essential aspect of occupational health and safety (OHS) at your workplace.

Safety audits: What are they, and what do they entail?

A safety audit is a comprehensive process where the auditing entity gathers material information about the level of safety in a corporate workplace. Various aspects of safety, such as health risks, fire safety, and exposure to workplace hazards, are all evaluated as a part of this process. Typically, an audit of this kind is performed on the existing safety plan in the organization. The audit findings can help streamline the safety plan and bring it up to industry standards if needed.

Safety audits can be one of three kinds, as outlined below.

Compliance audits:

Here, the existing safety programs in your organization are reviewed to ensure they adhere to the local OHSA guidelines in place in your country.

Program audits:

These audits gather inputs from employees and workplace staff and evaluate how adequate your existing safety protocols and programs are.

Management system audits:

Management system audits combine both compliance and program audits. They simultaneously assess the adequacy of your safety programs and compare them against the regulations in place.

Three key reasons to prioritize periodic safety audits

Many businesses view safety audits through an anxious or skeptical lens. However, in the best interests of your employees and your business, a safety audit isn’t just optional — but essential today. Here’s why your business needs it.

To ensure regulatory compliance.

Depending on where your business has been established, you may have to comply with various local, federal/state, and central laws pertaining to OHSA. Timely audits allow you to comply with these regulations and avoid potential penalties.

To avoid lawsuits

Any harm caused to an employee can be a potential lawsuit, mainly if it involves legal non-compliance that directly or indirectly leads to harm. Safety audits by a competent partner can help you steer clear of these legal pitfalls by strengthening your company’s safety protocols.

To promote employee well-being.

Safety audits promote employee well-being, which is an oft-overlooked asset. A Harvard-MIT study revealed that, proactive safety audits increased sales by 37% and productivity by 31%. By regularly conducting safety audits, you can gain the advantage of improved revenue and decreased costs.

Bridge the gaps in workplace safety with a comprehensive audit partner today

Workplace safety is a complex target, requiring a healthy collaboration between your company and your audit partner. Moglix works with certified safety consultants and safety auditors to help you design proactive and periodic audit plans. Be it electrical, fire, OSHA or wash audit, we have certified professionals who can help you with any type of audit. Know More