Sustainable procurement solutions for a better tomorrow

We are constantly seeking ways to improve our environmental and social impact, build a sustainable supply chain, and give back to the communities in which we operate.

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We believe how we act today will shape our future, tomorrow


Sustainable Sourcing

  • Raw Materials Matter

    We prioritize the use of environmentally responsible materials – recycled, renewable materials that are sourced responsibly & sustainably.

  • Traceability

    We give absolute visibility to our customers throughout the value chain from sourcing ethically to delivering responsibly.

  • Carbon Smart

    We offer easy access to natural and recyclable materials, resulting in a 15-20% reduction in carbon footprint through our sustainable procurement practices.

  • Community Driven

    We believe that by supporting our local communities, we are upholding our values and being a responsible corporate citizen. We also believe that by sharing our success with the communities where we operate, we can make a positive impact.


Sustainable Operations

  • Responsible Manufacturing

    Our strategic partnership with responsible manufacturers helps deliver high quality products with minimal environmental impact.

  • Carbon Smart

    We reduce overall impact through initiatives like improving energy efficiency, sourcing and increasing dependence on renewable sources of energy, establishing carbon smart strategies and much more.

  • Future Focused Technology

    With efficient use of technology, we drive enhanced value throughout the value chain, enabling the minimization of waste and helping organizations move towards building a sustainable supply chain.

  • Leading Tomorrow

    We take active role in development of Industry standards and best practises and provide insight into key issues like product transparency in order to meet ever evolving customer needs.


Sustainable procurement challenges in the current landscape

  • Limited Visibility and Transparency

    Many organizations struggle to trace the origins of their products, leading to uncertainties about ethical sourcing practices and environmental impact.

  • Complexity of Supply Chains

    FMCG companies often rely on vast networks of suppliers, distributors, and manufacturers, making it difficult to monitor and enforce sustainable practices across the entire ecosystem.

  • Cost Considerations and Budget Constraints

    A lot of organizations hesitate to invest in sustainable solutions due to budget constraints and concerns about profitability.

  • Lack of Awareness and Education

    Many decision-makers and employees may not fully understand the importance of sustainability or the potential benefits it can bring to the organization.

Solutions for creating a sustainable supply chain

While the challenges in sustainable procurement are significant, we believe that innovative solutions and proactive measures can pave the way for a greener, more resilient future.

Robust Traceability Measures

Robust Traceability Measures

Implement blockchain technology, RFID tagging, and digital documentation to provide complete visibility into the supply chain.

Supplier Collaboration And Certification

Supplier Collaboration And Certification

Engage in open dialogues with suppliers, conduct regular audits, and encourage certifications such as Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) and Better Cotton.

Long-Term Cost-Benefit Analysis

Long-Term Cost-Benefit Analysis

Demonstrate the financial advantages of sustainability through thorough cost-benefit analyses, highlighting savings from energy efficiency and waste reduction.

Training And Awareness Programs

Training And Awareness Programs

Invest in comprehensive training and awareness initiatives to educate stakeholders about the value of sustainability and empower them to drive change.

Strategic Partnerships

Strategic Partnerships

Collaborate with like-minded organizations, industry associations, and NGOs to share best practices, resources, and insights.

Innovation And Technology Adoption

Innovation And Technology Adoption

Leverage cutting-edge technologies such as IoT, AI, and data analytics to optimize processes, reduce waste, and enhance efficiency.

Green Public Procurement: A catalyst for change

Green Public Procurement: A catalyst for change

Embracing the principles of green public procurement, we advocate for the adoption of environmentally friendly and socially responsible products and services across public sectors. By working closely with government entities and public organizations, we strive to drive positive change on a larger scale, promoting the use of eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient technologies, and sustainable practices.

Sustainable supply chain management: From source to delivery

Sustainable supply chain management: From source to delivery

Our commitment to sustainability extends beyond the sourcing of materials to every aspect of our supply chain. We prioritize suppliers who share our values of ethical sourcing, fair labor practices, and environmental conservation. Through our sustainable supply chain management practices, which incorporate robust traceability measures, we offer our customers complete visibility into our products' journey. This ensures transparency and accountability at every step.