December 20, 2022

Common types of Safety Audits: What are they?

Common types of Safety Audits: What are they?

Every organization has several processes to ensure workplace safety, such as fire safety protocols and emergency exit routes. Adherence to workplace safety norms is one of the most significant indicators of an organization’s operational efficiency and commitment to the safety and health of its workforce. Since workplace safety is affected by many factors, it is pivotal to conduct safety audits periodically.

What is A Safety Audit?

A safety audit is an inspection to ascertain the efficacy of an organization’s workplace safety and health management systems. During a safety audit, data about an organization’s existing workplace safety and health protocols are recorded, analyzed, and compared to the regulatory compliance norms. In the previous blog on safety audit 101 we delt with broader types of audits, in this blog we go a little granular.

Types of Safety Audits

There are five major types of audits, namely, Electrical Safety Audit, Fire Safety Audit, Environment Safety Audit, Occupational Health & Safety Audit (OSHA), and Wash Audit. Each of these safety audits has a different scope and purpose; you must have clarity on your audit requirements to choose the right type of safety audit.

Electrical Safety Audits

Electrical Safety audits evaluate the safety and security of electrical installations prone to fire hazards. This encompasses a thorough inspection, testing, and verification of all kinds of electrical equipment and appliances in a facility. It also aims to identify possible hotspots, review emergency procedures and mitigate future risks to ensure compliance with applicable Safety Standards and Regulations. Reach out to us if you need to conduct a electrical safety audit.

Fire Safety Audits

Fire safety audits encompass various elements, like a review of your organization’s fire safety policy, assessing the level of competence of personnel in fire safety roles, and compliance with national legal regulations. These audits include onsite visits, interviews with different people in the organization, mock drills, document reviews, and more. Businesses of different sizes and sectors can benefit from fire safety audits. Reach out to us if you need to conduct a Fire safety audit.

Environmental Safety Audit

With sustainability increasingly prioritized across all industries globally, environmental safety audits are growing more relevant by the day. This kind of audit is suitable for all businesses — no matter their ecological management stage. It involves assessing the current policies and processes, identifying gaps in compliance, improving environmental responsibility, and implementing best practices. Reach out to us if you need to conduct an environmental safety audits.

Occupational Health and Safety (OSHA) Audit

Occupational Health and Safety audits identify risks and hazards in general workplace safety. This covers various aspects of today’s workplace, such as ventilation, waste management, housekeeping, medical aid, workstation ergonomics, and even management safety. Audit teams review OSHA elements, offer recommendations, and facilitate benchmarking against industry best practices. Reach out to us if you need to conduct a OSHA audit.

WASH Audit

An acronym for Workplace Assessment for Safety and Hygiene, WASH audits ensure that your organization adheres to the safety and hygiene guidelines notified by the Ministry of Home Affairs and other local, state, or national governmental entities. In addition, WASH audits assess how accessible and safe your company’s sanitation and water facilities are, identify areas for improvement and eliminate the risks associated with poor workplace hygiene. Reach out to us if you need to conduct a WASH audit.

Invest In Periodic Safety Audits

Since safety audits are instrumental in identifying gaps in an organization’s workplace safety norms, it is pivotal to ensure that such audits are carried out periodically. Should you require certified professionals to conduct any type of safety audit you can contact our team. At Moglix, we partner with organizations to provide safety solutions that go beyond just procurement of safety supplies. Our understanding of the entire value chain allows us to assist in essential actions like safety audits & end user training, that are often ignored, but important to create a safety culture within any organization. Reach out to us to know more on conducting safety audits for your facility or workplace